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Posted on: Monday 01/02/2023 10:11:03

This year, I am committed to :
1) fully understanding what bypass roads are, and learning my way around town. From every direction. 
2) using the science oven/air fryer
3) make homemade pasta; specifically egg yolk ravioli
4) engaging on KCL. It's hard on my phone but I live y'all and miss you. I'm VERY much a creature of habit, and if I make a point to get online I will get back in the habit. I also would like to plan another KCL con. 
And finally, learn how to make a lot of different meals because I'm sick of making all of the same shit. 
Anyone have a good chicken Parm recipe? 

I hope this is a wonderful year for all of you. 

The Silent Syndrome

Posted on: Monday 10/03/2022 09:45:02

Y'all, I want to have a telethon to raise money for fellow sufferers, but I fear it would go over about as well as the Bluths' charity event.
Last weekend I was desperately, insatiably horny. Like, I've never been so physically turned on in my entire life and it wasn't even sexual. I wasn't really thinking about sex outside of being excited for him to come home. Everything was super sensitive and just the seam on my shorts was doing it for me. Almost to completion.
I had to rub one out several times before leaving but still was almost shaky with desire by the time I got him in the car and drug him to the first Hampton we saw. 
I had warned him that this was some next level shit and being the hero he is was prepared and willing to handle the situation. We had sex five times and it wasn't enough. People always say they could have sex all night, but no one really means it. Not every second. But there was no relief with orgasm, and in fact orgasms just intensified my arousal. 
By Sunday night I was literally in tears and miserable. The next day I googled the symptoms and discovered I suffered from Persistent Genital Arousal Syndrome. 
It will come as no surprise that this condition is extremely rare, and little is known about it because women aren't dying to discuss it with their doctor. I certainly didn't want to get splayed out in stirrups for Dr. Awesome to examine my vag. Or more specifically, my clit. The article I read said that it could last days or weeks, and the very thought made me desperate to bargain for no more orgasms ever in exchange for relief. It lasted until Tuesday afternoon, then shit went back to normal, more or less. 
So, I had THAT going for me. 
So what's new with you clowns? 


Posted on: Monday 10/03/2022 09:29:40

The Quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog

Back to Normal

Posted on: Monday 07/24/2017 03:11:52

I love Mondays. Always have. It's a fresh start and I dig it. I also like routine, so I am in a great mood. Plus, the girls have gone shopping with friends and it's just Brad and me today.

Another great Phish show in the books. Kona met us there and was as cool as ever--if he had half as much fun as we did it should be worth his drive. Thanks for going, man. We love you. :)

Mary sent me an amazing new shirt that I am definitely wearing Night 1 at Dick's. I looooooooove it and I promise I will rage the shit out of it so that it gets the life it so richly deserves. :)

So I guess I'll try to get caught up on posts--I'm only behind by like two dozen or so. Buh. I love all y'all--have a good week.



Posted on: Tuesday 06/27/2017 04:32:27

Just a quick check in--Family Feud is on in a minute and it's my and Ishy's thang this summer. We love it. It's our time together and I musn't be late.
Trying to get stoked for Phish tour but having trouble getting into it. I'm getting there, though.
Autumn feels okay--her calcitonin numbers have gone up 2000 from 14000 to 16000. No bueno. But, considering the normal level is THREE it's hard to get too worked up about it. I'm thinking of it in terms of debt: say she has $3 in the bank and is $14K in debt...what's another two grand?
Anyway, we go back to Houston in early October. She is still working and partying, and still with the terrible boyfriend. Leave it to a teenager to make an unbearable situation even worse.
I've missed all of y'all.

Just For Fun

Posted on: Monday 03/27/2017 04:24:31

About a week ago I stuck the Steve pillow in a corner of our front window so that it looks like a guy is peeking out. It took Ish a couple days to notice it. Took Matt about a week, and Autumn and Brad still haven't. It makes me so happy. I hope it annoys the shit out of our neighbors.

I'll send a pic to someone so they can post it.


Pay Pal Suggestions

Posted on: Tuesday 03/14/2017 10:38:39

So my friend Dr. Andy insisted on setting up a gofundme (cringe) page for Autumn and he and his brother Ryan (also one of my oldest friends) were thinking of #s all day.

Some of the top contenders were #glandsgonewild and #helpautumnraiseapimphandtocancer.

My favorite was Gland Gone Wild: Kicking Lethal Cancer Right in the Dick.

Sadly, it had too many characters.


Funny Card

Posted on: Friday 03/10/2017 03:16:31

We've gotten lots of cards in the mail--mostly because Luna is the queen of cards--and they are all awesome and funny, but my friend Cherry wrote Autumn a note:

Hi, Autumn!
 I haven't seen you in many years (your loss!) but I've always had a soft spot for you in my heart.

On to business! First and foremost:

     DON'T MESS WITH TEXAS. They will straight up execute you for cussing there. You must be cautious.

Next, you'll find some items enclosed that I hope will be of use to you in the next few days. (notebooks, pens, etc)
You may wish to write down your observations of Texas (e.g. it's hot here and there are execution facilities on every corner.) Sharpies. They're kinda random but my kid loves em. I thought you might as well. Do not use them to deface public property, or the State of Texas will prosecute you to the fullest extent of the law.

Sweet girl, I am praying for you and your family and I love you even thought I haven't hung out with you (your loss!) in so long. Stay strong, sister. You have a (very cool) friend in Louisville pulling for you.


My friends are awesome and that includes every one of you. I love you guys.


Okay, So...

Posted on: Friday 03/03/2017 07:32:23

On Tuesday (I think--I am not even positive what month it is) Autumn felt like she had strep so we went to the doc. She did not, nor did she have the flu. Her doc had to gently tell her that the tumors in her throat are possibly causing her pain and that she needs to take her meds and not go to school during flu season. Autumn was bummed about that--she is totally on track to graduate and only has two AP classes which are both online anyway, and the rest of her school day she watches Shameless in the library. The perks of being a senior, right? Anyway, she wants to go to school when she feels up to it. The doc urged caution, explaining her body was compromised and etc.

So on the way home, I was trying to console her and lighten the shitty mood, while she was saying things like, "If I can't work or go to school then that makes me pathetic and it's embarrassing."

Because I am me, and inappropriate at almost all times, I said, "Look, Autumn. The flu is nothing to fuck around with when you are NOT sick with a rare cancer. It KILLS people. Lesser people, but still. This cancer is like a great white shark. Do you want to be remembered as the chick who got her ass kicked by a fucking shark, or the chick who cut her foot on a shell on her way to the beach, then got an infection, and died of sepsis? Which is cooler? If you MUST have your ass handed to you then at LEAST let it be the cancer and not the stupid flu. It's too lame. We'll have to lie and say you died of AIDS."

She was kind of crying in the back seat and she was quiet for a second, and I was thinking, "Great. I've broken her." Then she started chuckling. Then laughing. Then we were both laughing. It felt great. So she has agreed to stay home at least during flu season. :)

Going to MD Anderson on Sunday--appointment Monday morning. Fingers crossed, please. I love you guys.


Total Bullshit

Posted on: Wednesday 03/01/2017 07:11:27

It would make so much sense if I could just have this FOR her. This fucking sucks and I am about twenty minutes, or one, "How are you?" from a stranger, whichever comes first, before I lose my goddamn mind once and for all.

She's sick today. Her throat and chest hurts. Her appointment in Houston isn't until the 28th unless we can get our surgeon to nag them into getting her in faster. They think she has had it for two years. It's everywhere, including her spine--a revelation that literally brought me to my knees.

So, if I lose my shit and am locked away anytime soon, y'all be good. BBJ is in charge.