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The Good, The Bad & The Really?

Posted on: Friday 10/26/2018 03:28:15

Okay first the bad. Well it was nearly bad. I just had Bosco outside to do business. We both suddenly heard noise in the leaves in creek line. In know my animal sounds. Too quiet for a deer. It was a padding slow trot. So not a skunk or raccoon. It was louder than a fox so, coyote. Bosco heard it too, and started tearing off to that exact spot. I yelled a sharp "No" so loud I started the neighbors dogs barking. Bosco knew what that meant and turned around to run back to me. As soon as he was on the patio I heard it again, moving. I put my Tac Light on that spot extra bright and picked up the log grabber for the fire pit- three pounds of solid iron. I got Bosco in the house. I heard the bull dog across the creek start barking its head off, so I put the iron back and went inside. Bosco didn't become a meal due to his ten pound, alpha male bravery, and I didn't have to bludgeon a wild animal to death.

The good is there was a "Tentative Hearing" today. I knew nothing of it. It's stupid really. The lawyers go to court and the judge tells them, "Here's a copy for you of a document I signed that tells how I'm going to rule when you come back tomorrow." Judicial bullshit. Anyway, pretty much everything is going my way. Pension, done deal. 401(k) done deal but has a hiccup. The QDRO prepared by my CPA states two different figures for the premarital amount in the account at time of separation. The evil ex's lawyer sent the CPA a letter a month ago asking for clarification, and supposedly never got a reply. If this true, it holds things up. I will strangle the CPA like Homer does Bart: "Why you little...!" 

Anyway, alimony. The ex said she would agree to it being dropped if I would pay the nearly $9k in arrears that go from May to now. The judge says no, it's stopping right now no matter what. Period. End of discussion. Sweet. Legally he could have ordered I keep paying it until I'm 67. I just saved $109k! The lawyers are ordered to work out an agreement on my paying any arrears from May through August only. September and this month are off the table. I may end up paying some of that, but probably not all. Finally, the judge each of our requests for the other to pay legal, court, discovery, and other fees is denied. That sounds bad on the surface, but he goes on. He will on his own make a determination based on what the law says about who pays what. This hinges on both parties ability to pay any part of their own or the others. I will likely end up not paying shit. Again, tomorrow, I hope my ex will be fuming when she leaves the courthouse tomorrow in her fucking Lexus. I will be imagining that all day. Smiley face icon.

Lastly, the Really? My sister appeared to have a real bug up her ass today. After coming home from CVS I mentioned I had gotten my second shot in the shingles vaccine series. I shouldn't have done that. Vaccines are a waste and pharmacies just push them to make money. But I've read medical articles that say a man my age should.Yes, they just say that to make money. Have you ever spoken to or known someone who had it, sis? I have, and I don't want to get it. It's just a higher dose of the chicken pox vaccine and they just do it to get you to buy it. My insurance pays for it 100%. Silence.

A couple days ago I asked my BIL If I could put an amplifier somewhere in the basement so I could practice with one of my electric guitars. He said yes, just not in the way of the bar, pool table or ping pong table. I found a spot this morning while my sister was out and set it in place. When my BIL and I went down to play pool after dinner she was down there restocking the bar. She looked at me and in a snotty tone said, "You'll have to move that. I don't want it there." MY BIL rolled his eyes. I'm sure it will be discussed heatedly between them later. Just like my mother, there is a lot of importance placed what she wants where and ensuring everything stays that way at every moment. Isn't life too short for that?

Later, we were in the theater room picking out movies to watch in the near future. She was scrolling through them so fast you couldn't read the titles if they contained more than one word. My BIL asked he to stop it, but it continues. There was a line of titles for Halloween related movies. I asked to see what those were. Again, real snotty she told me, "We aren't watching those." 

I'm starting to feel like I need to live walking on egg shells. I don't know how long I can do that. I may end up constantly unsure if I'm being an irritant for some reason, or if my presence is beginning to be resented or a problem, or maybe at six months she feels I should have done more to show my gratitude. I've done all I can, including taking unnecessary shit from her. I hope it's recognized I've lived alone for the last 11 years, and my ways are going to be a bit different. Also, I'm not one of her kids. It seems a heart to heart is in order.    

  • lunamor Says:
    I am so glad that for once, the judge seems to be reasonable! There is no way in hell you owe that woman a cent more than she's gotten.

  • lermontov Says:
    Glad to see you still kicking old mad. AMNd the hound as well. Any news on the love life?
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